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An Officer and a Psychopath: The Crimes of Colonel Russell Williams

How well do we really know the people in our daily lives? Our co-workers, our boss, the clerk at the grocery store, our neighbors, our friends, or even our spouse? Many people thought they knew Colonel David Russell Williams. He was a decorated air force pilot and commander at the Canadian Forces Base (CFB) at […]

Aug 22 2017
True Crime

Gone S1 E3: Paradise Lost

Charlotte Moriarty and her infant son disappeared from a Hawaiian bus stop in June 1977, leaving behind only an empty stroller.  Mark Barnes, Charlotte’s live-in boyfriend and the father of their baby, Marx, would search for them for over 30 years before being reunited with his son.  But what became of Charlotte?  This episode of […]

Aug 10 2017
True Crime, Watching ID

Runaway Devil: The Richardson Family Murders

At what age are we responsible for our actions? Laws and opinions differ, but there are certain acts that seem to transcend age in their brutality and lack of conscience. When 12-year old Jasmine Richardson participated in the murder of her entire family, a community and those of us looking on were shocked. Was she […]

Aug 08 2017
True Crime

Crazy Love: The Plot to Kill Rusty Sneiderman

People do crazy things for love. Some people kill for love. Sometimes people die for love and their loved ones are left to somehow go on without them. To ponder the whys and what ifs. When Rusty Sneiderman was shot dead after dropping his 3-year-old son at daycare on November 18, 2010, police speculated that […]

Aug 01 2017
True Crime

Gone Baby: The Disappearance of Lisa Irwin

The story of Lisa Irwin, who went missing when she was just 10 months old, has riveted the nation and left behind unanswered questions.  How does a 10-month old infant disappear from her crib, never to be seen again?  The police have focused on Lisa’s mother Deborah although there was plenty of evidence pointing to […]

Jul 25 2017
True Crime

Natural Born Killers: The Lillelid Killings

The Lillelid family van drove on through the twilight of Greenville, Tennessee, in April of 1997. Gravel crunched beneath its wheels as quiet sobs echoed inside. The sun had set and dusk gave way to nightfall. When the van stopped, the doors opened to an unusual congregation. One by one, the occupants climbed out. A […]

Jul 18 2017
True Crime
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