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The Good Son: The Murder of Barbara Daly Baekeland

Barbara Daly was once one of New York City’s ten most beautiful girls.  She was a model who attended high society parties and married a wealthy man, Brooks Baekeland.  The couple had a luxury apartment in the Upper East Side of New York, but they traveled extensively, staying in houses and villas in Paris, London, […]

Nov 26 2019
True Crime

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Nowhere Girl: The Story of Adrianne Reynolds

Teenagers do stupid things.  They can be careless, mean, irresponsible, I could go on.  But the story we’re going to tell you today reveals three teens who are nothing if not monsters.  Their cruelty, violence, and lack of empathy are astounding. Adrianne Reynolds was a teenager too.  And she was by no means perfect.  But […]

Nov 21 2019
True Crime Premium

The Girl on the Train Tracks

In a rundown two-story house in Findley, Ohio, 24-year old Vera Jo Reigle was a prisoner and a slave.  The story behind how Vera ended up in such a terrible circumstance is complicated and disturbing.  At the heart of the story is the Brooks family, a family engaged in generational abuse and criminal activity. Join […]

Nov 19 2019
True Crime

Unthinkable: The Trials of Alice Crimmons

Long before there was a Susan Smith or a Casey Anthony, there was Alice Crimmins.  When the New York housewife called the police to report her two young children missing in the summer of 1965, the focus was on her custody battle with her estranged husband and the children’s father, Edmund Crimmins. When it came […]

Nov 12 2019
True Crime

Fire Starter: John Leonard Orr

The shocking story of arson investigator John Leonard Orr began in 1984.  A fire in a Pasadena, California, hardware store killed four people, including a 2-year-old child.  Arson investigators examined the ruins and determined that the fire was caused by an electrical malfunction.  All except John Orr. He was convinced that the cause was arson. […]

Nov 05 2019
True Crime
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