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The Beneficiary: Virginia McGinnis (ad free)

It was a beautiful day on the California coastline when 20-year-old Deana Wild agreed to take a day trip to Big Sur with older couple Virginia and Billy Joe McGinnis.  This is a popular tourist spot, but the cliffs are dangerous with unstable earth near the edge and the rocky Pacific coast below. Deana didn’t […]

Jul 26 2021
True Crime Premium

The Beneficiary: Virginia McGinnis

It was a beautiful day on the California coastline when 20-year-old Deana Wild agreed to take a day trip to Big Sur with older couple Virginia and Billy Joe McGinnis.  This is a popular tourist spot, but the cliffs are dangerous with unstable earth near the edge and the rocky Pacific coast below. Deana didn’t […]

Jul 26 2021
True Crime

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Case Updates 2021

Hello, Tiegrabbers! This month we have decided to do something different for our premium supporters.  We’re going to go back through our True Crime Brewery episodes and see what’s new!  From Casey Anthony to Chris Watts, all of our favorite scumbags are still living and taking up oxygen from our environment, but what’s happened since […]

Jul 26 2021
True Crime Premium

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Death of a Sugar Daddy: Bill McLaughlin (ad free)

When 50-year-old multi-millionaire Bill McLaughlin answered 25-year-old Nanette Johnston’s classified ad back in 1991, he had no idea what he was getting himself into.  The ad was directed at “wealthy men only” and Nanette described herself as a “classy, well-educated woman” who “knows how to take care of her man.”  Clearly, Nanette was looking for […]

Jul 12 2021
True Crime Premium

Death of a Sugar Daddy: Bill McLaughlin

When 50-year-old multi-millionaire Bill McLaughlin answered 25-year-old Nanette Johnston’s classified ad back in 1991, he had no idea what he was getting himself into.  The ad was directed at “wealthy men only” and Nanette described herself as a “classy, well-educated woman” who “knows how to take care of her man.”  Clearly, Nanette was looking for […]

Jul 12 2021
True Crime

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Lady in the Water: Jan Roseboro (ad free)

When Jan Roseboro’s husband Michael found her unconscious and bleeding in their new swimming pool, there was no reason to suspect him of anything nefarious. Even though his 911 call was unusual, it wasn’t proof of a crime.  But then a motive for murder was discovered: Michael’s lover, Angela Funk. When Angela’s computer and phone […]

Jul 05 2021
True Crime Premium
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