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One Lived to Tell: The Victims of Richard Marc Evonitz

Richard Marc Evonitz had already abducted three girls from their front yards in Virginia before he took 15-year-old Kara Robinson from her friend’s house in South Carolina. Evonitz had a troubling history of criminal sexual behavior, but his friends and neighbors knew him as a good-looking, intelligent, and compassionate person living an ordinary middle-class life. […]

Oct 17 2022
True Crime

Dead Woman Walking

The Story of Debra & Christopher Milke: Debra Milke was a cute 24-year-old single mother in 1989.  She and her 4-year-old son, Christopher, were living with a friend while Debra prepared to move into her own apartment and start a new job.  She was excited for what she saw as a fresh start, saving up […]

Sep 05 2022
True Crime

The Westside Park Murders: Kimberly Dowell & Ethan Dixon

In September 1985, two Muncie, Indiana, teenagers were shot and killed in their car while parked in the popular Westside Park. The murders stunned Muncie families because the victims were well-liked students at Muncie Northside High School. Kimberly Dowell and Ethan Dixon were found late at night by the police officer who was clearing out […]

Jul 11 2022
True Crime

The Abduction of Sandra Cantu

Sandra Renee Cantu vanished from her Tracy, California, mobile home park in March of 2009, just weeks after her 8th birthday.  It was a Friday afternoon.  Sandra left home to play at a friend’s house. She was expected home for dinner, but her mother called the police and reported her missing at 7:53 p.m. Police […]

Jun 27 2022
True Crime

A Very Bad Year in Port Angeles

1998 was a shocking and disturbing year for the residents of Port Angeles, Washington.  First, a three-day old infant died at the hands of beloved pediatrician Dr. Eugene Turner. Then, the wife of ER physician Bruce Rowen was found hacked to death inside of her car.  But were these two deaths connected? Join us at […]

May 30 2022
True Crime

An Interview with Attorney Joel Schwartz

Russ Faria was a normal, working guy, in love with his wife, Betsy, when he was framed for her murder. He was convicted and spent years in prison before an acquittal was won by his attorney, Joel Schwartz. This story was enough for a true crime book or an episode of Dateline, but it was […]

Feb 26 2022
True Crime
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