The Burning Bed: The Murder of Jimmy Michael Podcast
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The Burning Bed: The Murder of Jimmy Michael

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In Episode 342

Shelly Angus and Jimmy Michael were coworkers at Ruby Memorial Hospital. They and their spouses were good friends and did a lot of activities together. But when Shelly decided she needed an upgrade in husbands, she went after Jimmy. Hard. The Anguses and Michaels divorced. Two weeks after his divorce was finalized, Jimmy and Shelly were engaged.

They married and, at least for a time, seemed to have a good marriage. But Shelly was a bit fickle. She soon decided that she didn’t want to be married to Jimmy anymore. She could have filed for a divorce, but that didn’t satisfy her. She decided that Jimmy had to die.

Join us at the quiet end for The Burning Bed, a discussion of one of the cruelest murders ever committed by one spouse of another.  Shelly killed Jimmy in a unique and tortuous fashion, trying to pass off his death as an accident. The most haunting part: If not for one crucial error, she probably would have gotten away with murder.

Nov 18 2020
True Crime Premium
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    • “True Crime Brewery ” is the first podcast I have listened to and I am hooked, at least to your episodes. It’s amazing to me that you can detail such horrific crimes in voices that can lull me off to sleep at the same times. What an art! Thanks for putting relatively soft fronts to crimes that can be so gruesome.

      • Thank you, Susan. We love doing the show, so it’s a bonus to hear that you enjoy listening to us!

    • I absolutely love you both. I suffer from anxiety and agoraphobia so it’s hard for me to get out of the house often. I listen to your podcast and I feel like I’m there enjoying the beer with you guys. Jill I find your personality straight forward and to the point which is refreshing. I love that Dick is able to easily explain medical lingo for those of us who aren’t in the medical field. I love the way you two vibe with each other and the conversation never feels scripted. Yoir podcasts are my escape from reality. Thank you.

      • Thank you so much, Amanda. We are just a couple of people chatting about something that interests us, so hearing that someone is out there enjoying our shows goes a long way! Our best to you, Jill & Dick

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