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Village of the Damned: Episodes 3, 4 ,& 5

In the final 3 episodes of Village of the Damned we learned about more tragedies and violent crimes that plagued to town Of Dryden New York for 10 years. Many of the crimes involved young people and there were unexpected connections between the families and neighbors stricken by the supposed “Dryden Curse.” Was there a […]

Jan 01 2018
True Crime, Watching ID

Death House Landlady: Dorothea Puente

There are vulnerable people in society who the rest of us have a moral obligation to protect and defend from those who would take advantage of them or abuse them. Of course, we often fail. But when someone dedicates their life to helping these people who society has basically cast out, it is an honorable […]

Dec 26 2017
True Crime

Unleashed Rage: The Killing of Betty Gore

Full-time mom Candy Montgomery always did what was expected of her. She married, had two kids, and taught Sunday school at her church. Her husband Pat loved her and she loved him. But something was missing from Candy’s life: excitement. She took creative writing classes in order to express herself. She made close women friends […]

Dec 19 2017
True Crime

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End to Innocence: The Abduction and Murder of the Grimes Sisters

On a cold, sunny morning in January 1957, Leonard Prescott, a 39-year old construction worker, was driving into the town of Willow Springs, Illinois, when he noticed two strange-looking objects underneath a bridge railing. He stopped to get a better look and told himself they must be department store mannequins. He drove off, but his […]

Dec 17 2017
True Crime Premium

Village of the Damned: Episodes 1 & 2

Village of the Damned is a five-part series on Investigation Discovery this month. It tells the story of small town Dryden, New York, where a series of seemingly unrelated murders occurred between 1989 and 1999. We have really enjoyed the series so far. This podcast covers episodes 1 and 2, where a family is murdered […]

Dec 13 2017
True Crime, Watching ID

The Ultimate Sacrifice: Heaven’s Gate Cult

Members of the Heaven’s Gate cult donned black outfits, new Nike sneakers, and purple shrouds on the day of their deaths.  They each had a $5 bill and 3 quarters in their pockets.  It was March 1997 and 39 cult members ritually ended their lives in waves.  Each cleaned up after the last until all […]

Dec 05 2017
True Crime
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