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The Santa Claus Murders

The Daniels Family lived on Dasher Street in the town of Santa Claus, Georgia. Their one-story-red-brick house, with a huge chimney protruding from the front, was nestled snuggly at the end of a cul-de-sac. For Kim Daniels, it was her dream home. Kim was a drug addict, living out of her car, when Danny Daniels […]

Dec 18 2018
True Crime

Wrong Way on the Taconic

On a sunny July day in 2009, Diane Schuler was driving her minivan southbound in the northbound lanes of the Taconic State Parkway in New York. Witnesses watched in horror as a minivan barreled down the parkway in the wrong direction. Blaring horns, flashing lights, and swerving cars made no change in her behavior. She […]

Dec 04 2018
True Crime

Cruel & Unusual: The Killing of Skylar Neese

On July 5, 2012, 16-year old Skylar Neese returned to her family’s West Virginia apartment after working her shift at a fast-food restaurant. Her apartment’s surveillance video showed that Skylar snuck out of the apartment through her bedroom window at on July 6 and got into an unknown vehicle. Skylar’s parents were attentive and proud […]

Nov 27 2018
True Crime

Cold as Ice: The Murders of Rachel and Lillian Entwistle

The bodies of 27-year-old Rachel and 9-month-old Lillian Entwistle were found on January 22, 2006 in the master bedroom of their Hopkinton, Massachusetts home where the Entwistles had been living for only ten days. Autopsy results would show that Rachel died of a gunshot wound to the head and baby Lillian died of a gunshot […]

Nov 20 2018
True Crime

The Wineville Farm Murders

It was 1928 and the agriculture and the movie industry were booming in the Los Angeles area. Then a string of child abductions and murders in nearby Wineville changed the lives and views of the locals. Someone had kidnapped, sexually abused, and murdered at least three, and possibly as many as twenty, young boys. From […]

Nov 13 2018
True Crime

The Main Line Murder

When Stefanie Rabinowitz set her mind to something, there was no stopping her. She was an attorney who had married her childhood sweetheart. She was extremely hard working and an attentive mom to her one-year old girl, Haley. After tragedy struck in the Rabinowitz home, it came to light that Stefanie’s husband Craig had been […]

Oct 30 2018
True Crime
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