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Grave Mysteries S1 E3: A Secret Life

This week’s episode of Grave Mysteries was an unusual story of an unlikely victim of prostitution and a violent murder. Brittany was a model high school student who worked with younger kids at the local rec center. When she vanished after taking a trip to the store, her family became concerned. Their concern turned to […]

Sep 22 2017
True Crime, Watching ID

The Lost Girl: Haleigh Cummings

It has been 8 and a half years since anyone has seen Haleigh Cummings alive. When she was last seen on February 9, 2009, she was 5-years old. She would now be 13. Haleigh’s 17-year old babysitter, Misty Croslin, the girlfriend of her 25-year old father, Ron Cummings, called police at 3:30am on February 10th. […]

Sep 12 2017
True Crime

A Preview of our New Podcast: Watching ID

As you may or may not know, we have a second podcast. It’s called Watching ID. This is a brief introduction and 3 minute sample of our most recent episode: Grave Mysteries’ Murder in the Chat Room. If you like what you hear, you can hear the full episode on iTunes or on your favorite […]

Sep 07 2017
True Crime

First, Do No Harm: The Murders of Tim and Kelly Farrar

Killers don’t wear name tags telling us who they are. They look like everybody else. They are fathers, brothers, neighbors, carpenters, doctors, men, or women. On an upper class suburban street in Kansas City, at 7517 Canterbury Court, Dr. Debora Green and her husband, Dr. Michael Farrar, lived with their 3 children. It was a […]

Sep 05 2017
True Crime

The Baby Thief: The Crimes of Georgia Tann

Alma Sipple, a single mother in Tennessee, could not afford medical care for her ten-month-old daughter Irma when a knock on the door changed her life: there stood a woman with close-cropped grey hair, round wireless glasses and a broad, stern face.The older woman exuded authority as she explained she was the director of a […]

Aug 29 2017
True Crime

Gone S1 E5: Missing Michele aka Call your Mother!

This Gone has a great ending. The rest was kind of eh.  After researching so many missing persons’ cases, we know that this is an unusual outcome, but there are so many more interesting cases out there! Michele Whitaker, 32, was leading a troubled life when she disappeared without a trace. Her family and local […]

Aug 24 2017
True Crime, Watching ID
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