We all have someone in our family who is a little unstable. An eccentric aunt or a brother preparing for the zombie apocalypse maybe. But what happens when a family member sinks deeply into true madness, becoming a danger to himself and others? This is when interventions are needed or lives fall apart. Susie Sharp […]
When Seath Jackson disappeared, detectives went into his life on social media to find out if he got involved with the wrong people. When facts point them in the direction of his ex-girlfriend, Amber, his friend William helps police find out what happened. This was a good choice for the season finale of the show. […]
Online dating is murder…at least it is in this episode of Grave Mysteries. Dr. Tiffany Maher is an accomplished woman: a chemistry professor at Northeastern State University. She is intelligent, sociable, and has many friends. Living in a small town in Oklahoma can make it difficult to find romance, so Tiffany decides to give online […]
26-year old George Smith disappeared from the cruise ship Brilliance of the Seas in July 2005 under suspicious circumstances. It should have been a fun, carefree evening. George and his wife Jennifer were on their honeymoon, having married just 11 days earlier. Sometime in the hours before dawn George Smith vanished, presumably fallen overboard into […]
This week’s episode of Grave Mysteries was an unusual story of an unlikely victim of prostitution and a violent murder. Brittany was a model high school student who worked with younger kids at the local rec center. When she vanished after taking a trip to the store, her family became concerned. Their concern turned to […]
It has been 8 and a half years since anyone has seen Haleigh Cummings alive. When she was last seen on February 9, 2009, she was 5-years old. She would now be 13. Haleigh’s 17-year old babysitter, Misty Croslin, the girlfriend of her 25-year old father, Ron Cummings, called police at 3:30am on February 10th. […]
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