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Doomsday Parents Part One: Chad & Lori Daybell (ad free)

Normally, when we talk about parents who have a missing child, we’re talking about distressed, loving parents who will do anything to find their child.  But in the case of missing children Tylee Ryan and J.J. Vallow, we’re delving into new and unimaginable territory. The lives of J.J. and Tylee’s mother, Lori Vallow Daybell, and […]

Aug 31 2020
True Crime Premium

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The Good Wife: Carol Neulander (ad free)

Carol Neulander was a mother, a business owner, and the wife of respected Rabbi Fred Neulander.  On most Tuesdays, she drove home with the receipts from her popular bakeries, carrying thousands of dollars in her purse.  Then came the Tuesday evening when two men showed up at her front door. Join us at the quiet […]

Aug 24 2020
True Crime Premium

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In Too Deep: The Disappearance of Mike Williams

Family man Mike Williams went duck hunting in Lake Seminole, near his Florida home, early one morning in December 2000. It was one day before Mike and his wife Denise’s wedding anniversary. They had plans to celebrate that evening. But Mike never came home. A search of the lake failed to locate Mike, but his empty […]

Aug 20 2020
True Crime Premium

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His Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: The Murder of Sherri Rasmussen (ad free)

Sherri Rasmussen had everything going for her.  She was smart, athletic, and beautiful. She graduated high school at age 16, breezed through college, and landed a prestigious job as a hospital director of nursing in her late 20s. In 1985, Sherri married the man of her dreams. Three months later, she was found murdered in […]

Aug 17 2020
True Crime Premium

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Cyberstalked: Cari Lea Farver (ad free)

In November of 2012, Cari Lea Farver just up and left everything behind: her new boyfriend, her job, and even her son.  This was not like Cari, who was a responsible worker, a reliable friend, and a devoted mom.  Then an alarming string of texts from Cari’s phone set everyone on edge. Cari’s new boyfriend, […]

Aug 10 2020
True Crime Premium

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Secrets & Lies: Solving the Murders of Katherine and Sheila Lyon (ad free)

Law enforcement interrogation is a real skill, but much of it has been questioned in recent years with instances of botched police investigations and false confessions.  When police have little forensic evidence, as is the case with many cold cases, witness interviews and suspect interrogations can be crucial in solving a case. But how far […]

Aug 03 2020
True Crime Premium
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