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Blood Pact: The Victims of Kelly Cochran (ad free)

Sex is a powerful motivator.  So, when 53-year old Christopher Regan became involved with younger married woman Kelly Cochran, no one was completely shocked, even though Kelly was not Chris’ type.  In fact, she was quite rough around the edges, abrasive, and only minimally attractive.  But she was friendly, easy, and, most importantly, willing.  She […]

Nov 09 2020
True Crime Premium

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May December Murder (ad free)

Sometimes a small thing in life can change everything.  That’s what happened when high school student Susan Mae Bolling was sent to a psychotherapist for treatment of depression and anxiety.  Her therapist, Dr. Felix Polk, was married with two children, but that didn’t stop him from beginning a sexual relationship with Susan. Susan and Felix […]

Nov 02 2020
True Crime Premium

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Murder on Her Mind: Joy Aylor (ad free)

Rozanne Gailiunas was smart, caring, and a devoted parent. In 1983, her marriage to physician Peter Gailiunas was on the rocks.  She was in love with contractor Larry Aylor, a man also in the middle of a contentious divorce. In fact, the two were making plans to spend the rest of their lives together. Then, […]

Oct 26 2020
True Crime Premium

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Something Wilder

Angila and Richie Wilder had one of those marriages made in hell. They bickered constantly and they were verbally and physically abusive with each other. Even after they divorced, the verbal sniping continued. It became so bad that a judge ordered them to only communicate through email. When Angila was brutally murdered, Richie was a […]

Oct 21 2020
True Crime Premium

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The Doctor’s Wife (ad free)

Heart surgeon Dr. Darryl Sutorius thought he had found a second chance at true love when he married attractive divorcee Dante Britteon.  But soon after the wedding, Darryl was depressed and disillusioned.  Dante wasn’t who she had claimed to be and she worked hard to alienate him from his children. Much of what Dante had […]

Oct 19 2020
True Crime Premium

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The “Dungeons & Dragons” Murder (ad free)

Family life is not always rooted in love.  For the blended family of Lieth and Bonnie Von Stein, life was marked by disappointments, resentment, and deep-seated hate.  One summer night in 1988, Bonnie and Lieth were viscously attacked in their own bed. Daughter Angela said that she had slept through the attack.  Son Christopher was […]

Oct 12 2020
True Crime Premium
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