Tracey Richter was an angry narcissist willing to do whatever it took to get what she wanted. She had no qualms about harming anybody who would dare to come between her and what she wanted. But Tracey was also a good actress. That may explain why she got away with so much for so long.
Tracey cheated on, deceived, and physically abused her first husband. When they divorced, she falsely accused him of child sexual abuse, going as far as to recruit her own son to tell lies about his own father.
Although Tracey would remarry and find a new man to deceive, her grudge against her first husband would stew inside of her. Tracey made cold-blooded, detailed plans and then followed through with them, killing an innocent young neighbor in a set up of her ex to keep full custody of her son.
As we talk about the life and crimes of Tracey Richter, aka Tracey Pitman, aka Tracey Roberts, aka Sophie Edwards, we will examine how she managed to hurt so many people for so long before she was finally brought to justice. Join us at the quiet end today for A Dangerous Woman: The Life and Crimes of Tracey Richter.