29-year-old attorney Anna-Jane Cheney was looking forward to her wedding in March of 1994. But just a few weeks before she was to walk down the aisle, she was found dead in her Adelaide home.
Join us at the quiet end for 4 Bruises. At around 7:30pm on March 18, Anna went to the home of her best friend and sister-in-law, Susan, to walk their dogs together. Although she had been drinking earlier that evening, she did not appear to Susan to be intoxicated. But just two hours later, Anna’s fiancé, Henry, called an ambulance to their home. Henry told first responders that he had found Anna unconscious in the bathtub. Crying over the body of his beautiful bride-to-be, his story was believed. Until it wasn’t.
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Horrifying scandal of forensic doctor never qualified to be one, Under Investigation with Liz Hayes, 60 Minutes Australia.2/22/2023
How to fix Australia’s biggest legal scandal, Wrongful Convictions Report, 7/29/2020, https://wrongfulconvictionsreport.org/2023/02/02/malpractice-incompetence-and-lies-the-manock-curse-part-1/
Reasonable Doubt, 60 Minutes Australia, 2011
Unmaking a Murder by Graham Archer, 2017
A Witness of Fact by Drew Rooke, 2022
Henry & Anna-Jane